Discover the #1 Thing Preventing Your Happiness
Hi everyone, I’m glad you found us. InSpire Massage is still here, but now it’s a bit of a secret

Poke around the site, (I now coach internationally), and find out how InSpire Massage still helps women let go of their stress and move on, now, whether you’re in Chicago or New Zealand.
If you’re ready to find your unique genius, have your very own spiritual awakening, or even discover the #1 thing preventing your happiness, we’re here to help.
Just sign up for our emails or click on this link to schedule your 2 hour free Empowerment Session to find out how to stop scrolling Facebook, wasting your life on other people’s problems.
Trusted Relationship Advisor and Hands on Healer
P.S. In your Free Empowerment Session you will:
- Discover the #1 thing that keeps you trapped sprouting on the couch, binge-watching Netflix, when you really have better things to do. Like make love, paint, find a new, better life partner or travel to Japan.
- Learn the three most powerful things you can do to let go of toxic people and their drama and find some inner peace (even if they’re a Narcissist).
- Experience the ancient tools brain science “re-discovered” in the last 15 years that turns trauma on it’s head, calming you down even if you just got fired or your ex is picking a fight. Guaranteed.
Offer Is Limited:
I do all of the Empowerment Sessions myself, and I am very busy, so spots are very limited.
So, if you know you want a Free 2 Hour Empowerment Session, click here now and claim your spot on my calendar now while there are still spots available.
The link will take you to my application page. Fill out a few questions, submit your application, and then go to my calendar and schedule a time that works for you.

Rita Hickman
If you need to fix something important, like you want to get divorced or your child got molested, I teach you how to use the mind/body to wean off the painkillers or anti-anxiety meds and get reconnected to Spirit.
I’m your friend next door who loves her life and wants you to love your life too.