
5 Day Meditation Challenge

Join Rita Hickman and friends for the 5 Day Meditation Challenge.

“Meditation is for moms what eyesight is for pilots. It allows us to see where we’re headed, respond to conditions in our environment, and make adjustments when necessary”.
— Amber Trueblood

So what is meditation?

Meditation is when you take time for yourself, surrounded by your flowers and your dog, your journal and your music and enjoy your life. No guilt. No obsessing. No shame.

Meditation is paying attention to the sunset and finding a new hobby. 

Maybe writing a haiku, taking piano lessons or spending an afternoon learning how to make the perfect spaghetti sauce.

At it’s core, meditation is paying attention to the here and now, not regretting the past or worrying about the future.

So why don’t you meditate every day? After all, it’s the cheapest, easiest, most convenient way to get out of your rut and live our best life.

Do you have too much to do? Is your “To Do” list feel out of control like a multi-headed monster?

Maybe you’re stuck in your head, planning how you’re going to pay the rent or mortgage or the taxes. Maybe you can ask for a raise or get a better job? Move departments?

Are you wondering when your kids will move out, if your partner cares about what you think, if your grandkids are depressed or why your husband drinks so much…

Are you debating how to avoid the next fight, when to ask for a divorce, the best way to re-kindle your marriage, if you should pay your kid’s phone bill…

Let’s add in…

Candycrush… YouTube… the news… arthritis… IBS… writer’s block… the holidays… Zoom….


Now do you know why you aren’t meditating?

In 5 Days you will find, create, make time for and implement the perfect meditation practice for you….

You’ll create a daily meditation ritual you will intentionally lock your door and scare away anybody who knocks because you love meditating so much…

You will start meditating on the way to work, in the bathroom or watching tv.

You will learn how to meditate in a brand new way that fits your carpools, dinner time, love life and job.  

And get even better results than if you meditated like a man.

If you’re a woman who has something to say. A message to share about addiction… broken families… energy healing… raising a healthy child… anything at all…

And you don’t enjoy the brain benefits of meditating every day…

And have tried meditating and failed… forgotten how to meditate… or don’t know where to start… let yourself fall into the abyss of apathy…

Then register below now for our 5 Day Challenge.

Only one 15 minute video a day…. Facebook Group support so you aren’t alone and to help you stay accountable.. 


A live roundtable to learn from other women who meditate. 

Other like-minded, relatively healthy and happy women…

And the latest pandemic information about your brain, nervous system, subconscious, meditation and healing childhood trauma you never knew about… 💕

Join Us Monday January 17th through Friday January 21st. 📅

Resolve to meditate every day in 2022, even when you’re working… and you will be successful beyond your wildest dreams. 

Let’s make 2022 the Year of The Empowered Woman.

Register above now and add it to your calendar! 

You’ll receive an email confirmation with the links to join us in the Facebook Group and on my YouTube Channel. Watch for daily emails with more information.📧